Sign up to our email list and recieve free access in our exclusive membership portal of our website, where we post content not available on the rest of our site.

Sign up to be added to our email list and gain free access to our private Membership Site!

Sign up to receive our most recent blog posts and farm updates, helpful goat and Maremma articles, links to the products and websites we recommend, special offers and other content by email.

We regularly receive questions from our email subscribers, our Maremma and goat clients and others who contact us asking for advice about Maremma Sheepdogs or dairy goats. We take the questions and suggestions and use them as the basis for what we write about each week, making this a dynamic and very helpful email list.

We will also be incorporating these topics into our new membership site. This portion of our website is reserved for clients who have purchased a Maremma Sheepdog or dairy goat from us, but we are allowing free access for a limited time to email subscribers.

The goal of the email list and membership site is to connect with, educate and serve our fellow Maremma Sheepdog and dairy goat lovers and to celebrate these animals that we all love!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.